What does lost property mean

A pregnant person dreaming of lost property predicts the birth of a daughter:And guards against fetal demise.

To dream of losing property is an auspicious omen and means good luck.

A traveler dreaming of losing property is advised to delay going out for a few days.

To dream of lost property:On the contrary, is an auspicious omen and means good luck.

To dream of lost socks:Foretells safety of property, and that the storm or danger has passed.

A traveler dreaming of getting property is advised to go out between fall and winter.

To dream of flocks of parrots:Denotes serious danger to property.

To dream of sesame seeds:Symbolizes that one's accumulated property is growing.

For a pregnant person to dream of property being burned up:Foretells the birth of a daughter, and moderation.

For a pregnant person to dream of insuring family property:Foretells the birth of a boy.

To dream of selling fish:Property will be lost.

A traveler dreaming of contending for property:Must not travel, postpone going out.

To dream of sparrows eating worms:Property will be in danger, or lose all one's possessions.

To dream of keys being stolen:Implies loss of your property.

To dream of picking a lock:Implies danger to life and property.

To dream of catching fleas:Loss of property.

To dream of setting fire to yourself:Loss of property.

To dream of injuring your thigh:Foretells loss of property.

To dream of setting oneself on fire:Property to be lost.

To dream of setting fire to yourself:Property to suffer loss.

For a man to dream of buying gems:His property will be robbed by bandits.

To dream of giving away money is ominous; property will suffer loss.

A man dreaming of losing property in his current year of life implies smooth sailing:Caution against official charms and lawsuits.

A will indicates inheritance of property and symbolizes wealth.

To dream of sparrows eating worms:Property will be in danger. Keep a close watch on the property of your family, and do not let the uninvolved take it; a slight mistake will cost you all your possessions.

A businessman dreaming of losing his property represents that he may gain wealth and profit:But beware of a friend's betrayal of trust (master or client) in a lawsuit.

To dream that in an orchard a pig eats the fruits on the ground:Foretells that you will lose part of your property, as you have endeavored to declare that some of it does not belong to you.

To dream of sesame seeds:Denotes that your possessions are growing.

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