Dreaming of going to take pictures

People dreaming of going to school dreaming of taking pictures of themselves:There is a slight obstacle, but they have confidence that they can expect to be admitted.Peop... Read more

Dreams about picking bones

To dream of picking up bones in one's birthday means loss of property:Risk of revenge and caution against betrayal of trust.According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis:T... Read more

Dreaming of a big eggplant

For a businessman to dream of buying an eggplant which is rotten:Represents a good fortune in keeping the old ways, a loss of wealth in a big scheme, and a gain of wealth... Read more

Dreaming of publishing a paper

A pregnant woman dreaming of publishing a thesis will give birth to a daughter; she should refrain from moving earth to prevent miscarriage.People in love dream of publis... Read more