What do you mean, I saved a kid from falling in the water?

A dream that a child falls into the water and is rescued by me means poor grades and failure to be admitted to a school.

If you are traveling and dream of a child falling into the water and being rescued by me:It is advisable to postpone your return and not to change your itinerary.

People in love dreaming of a child falling into the water and being rescued by me:Suggests that after many trials and tribulations, one can hope to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of a child falling into the water and being rescued by me:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth, moving the fetus.

Doing business dreamed that a child fell into the water and was rescued by me:Representing first gain and then loss, it is advisable to keep and not to reinvest or expand.

People who go to school dreamed that someone fell into the gutter and was rescued by me:Implying that there are many obstacles and the examination results are not satisfactory.

Pregnant people dreamed of children falling into the water and being rescued by me:Giving birth to a girl, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent miscarriage by moving the fetus.

People in love dreamed of sheep falling into the water and being rescued by me:Indicating that although there are ups and downs, lovers will eventually become lovers.

Traveling people dreamed that my daughter fell into the water and was rescued by me:It is recommended to postpone another date to go out.

The person who dreamed that the child fell into the water and saved up:Means that everything retreats, beware of dietary poisoning, be careful to guard against the official runes approaching.

School people dreamed that my daughter fell into the water and was rescued by me:Means that a slight obstacle does not affect the admission results.

Traveling people dreamed of falling into a river and being rescued:Suggests going as scheduled, companion and traveling, be careful when encountering water.

Doing business dreamed that my daughter fell into the water and was rescued by me:Represents that there are ups and downs and obstacles, internal reorganization and reopening.

Doing business dreamed that mother fell into the river and was rescued by me:On behalf of obtaining wealth and profit, of which be careful to guard against lawsuits and litigations.

School people dreamed of sheep fell into the water was I saved up:Means science achievement is better poorer, does not affect the admission score!

Those who dreamed that their daughters fell into the water and were rescued by me:Suggest that if there is a gale, they should postpone their departure. Pay attention to safety at the water's edge.

Travelers dreaming of a child falling into the water and being rescued by an acquaintance:Suggest going out smoothly and coming back in peace.

People dreaming of a child falling into the water and being saved by me:Means that all matters should be guarded and not advanced, treating people faithfully and honestly as the root.

People in love dreamed that child fell into water was saved by me:If there is misunderstanding should explain clearly, marriage can be accomplished.

School people dreaming of children falling into the water and saved:Means Wenchang have obstacles, suddenly changed his mind did not participate in the examination.

Doing business dreamed that someone fell into the ditch and was saved by me:On behalf of the unfavorable financial situation, not big investment, it is better to keep, wait for the time to come.

People dreaming of school children fall into the water I saved up:Literature is not very ideal, science scores are better, close to admission.

Pregnant people dreamed of boyfriend fell into the river was saved up by me:Foretells the birth of a daughter, fall occupies the birth of a man.

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