What does it mean to dream of a rat in a watery grave?

Doing business dreaming of a rat in the water represents that you should not be hasty or negligent:Or else you will make a mistake.

People dreaming of water rushing a rat in their current year of life:Means that friends are less in charge of things, there is a plague of injury, the East less to go.

Travelers dreamed of a mouse under two mice:Suggests that when the water stops, be careful to be on guard, can be safe.

School dreamed of a shoe washed away by water:Means can hope to be admitted, science

A traveler dreaming of a white mouse and a black mouse suggests going out and returning home safely.

A traveler dreaming of trampling a mouse to death suggests that there are obstacles on the way:And to be careful when meeting fire and water.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a mouse standing on a lion's head predicts the birth of a daughter.

Travelers dreaming of a rat eating a bird:Suggesting that when encountering water, stop, be careful and guard against, can be safe.

Doing business dreamed of a white rat and a black rat:On behalf of the cause of the partnership to do less, more obstacles, difficult to get wealth and profit.

Pregnant people dreaming of a rat biting another rat:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female, be careful to prevent trauma miscarriage.

People in love dreamed of a shoe being washed away by water:Suggesting that when both sides understand each other more clearly, it is the time to separate.

People dreaming of a dead mouse and a live mouse:Means that the mood to let go, idle matters less care, be careful to prevent bloodshed or official runes.

Doing business dreamed of a rat biting another rat:On behalf of the obstacles are not smooth, most of the losses.

Pregnant people dreaming of a big mouse and a small mouse:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful in the first three months of pregnancy.

Travelers dreaming of a rat and a weasel:Suggest that there is a wind, delay before departure.

A person who goes to school dreaming of seeing a bird and a mouse in his house means success. As you wish:You will be admitted to the school.

Pregnant people dreaming of a white rat and a yellow rat:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, do not overwork.

Pregnant people dreaming of a big mouse and a small mouse:Foretelling the birth of a girl, spring occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent the fetus gas.

People in love dreamed of a big mouse and a small mouse:Indicating that both sides are too strong, can not give in to each other, had to be divided.

People dreaming of a big rat a small mouse:Means to guard against friends betrayal of trust, do not meet the labor to take care of the body as a matter of importance.

People dreaming of a shoe washed away by the water:Means let nature take its course, listen to God's destiny, peacefully get wealth, less go out and travel far.

People in love dreaming of a white mouse and a black mouse:Suggesting mutual understanding, sincere treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a shoe being washed away by water predicts the birth of a boy. In July and August:A girl will be born, preventing miscarriage.

Those who dreamed of seeing a shoe being washed away by water:Suggesting that it would be auspicious to have friends and relatives traveling with them, or else postponing the departure.

Travelers dreaming of rats running towards home dog killed a:Suggest that water is stopped, delayed departure.

Doing business dreamed of a female mouse only small mouse:On behalf of profit and wealth. Prevent lawsuit.

People dreaming of a white rat and a black rat:Means to act reasonably, luck has ups and downs, it is advisable to be cautious to get smooth.

People in love dreaming of a dead rat and a live rat means that they are not afraid of obstacles to make their lovers happy.

Pregnant people dreaming of two rats:A cat and a dog, foretelling the birth of a daughter, be more careful in diet.

People in business dreaming of a big rat and two small rats:Practical operation, smooth as desired.

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