Dream:Virgin Breasts

For those who go to school to dream of virgin breasts means that concentration and consistency will lead to acceptance.

If you are traveling and dream of virgin breasts:You are advised to be more active and be careful if you encounter a lake.

If you are pregnant and dream of virgin breasts:You are predicting the birth of a male, and if you are expecting a female in the summer, don't overwork yourself.

Doing business dreamed of virgin breasts:Represents loss of property, not to invest, wait for the time to operate again.

People dreaming of virgin breasts in the current year of life:Means that everything goes well, your help to get wealth and profit, peace.

People who go to school dreaming of a spring dream and a virgin means that they will be admitted as they wish.

People who do business dreaming of other people's virgin blood:Represents caution against friends' betrayal of trust, lawsuits and litigation.

People who are traveling dreaming of what to do if you are not a virgin anymore:Suggests smooth sailing.

Pregnant people dreaming of mom saying she is not a virgin:Predicting the birth of a daughter, related to ancestral graves.

People in love dreaming of a virgin queen bee suggests mutual understanding and marriage.

A traveler dreaming of his wife's virgin blood suggests postponing his departure again for some reason.

A traveler dreaming of a woman giving her virginity to someone else is advised to have a smooth and uneventful trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of virginity today's luck:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, do not approach the water.

Pregnant people dreaming of mom knowing I'm not a virgin:Foretelling the birth of a boy, smooth, fireplace careful.

Doing business dreamed of dead people wanting virgins:Represents a pause or unfavorable operation, it is advisable to keep.

Dreaming of a virgin predicts that your career will be blessed with high stars.

A traveler dreaming of breaking his hymen suggests a smooth and uneventful trip.

If a traveler dreams that he has broken his hymen:He will postpone his trip if he encounters wind and rain.

Dreaming of virgin breasts:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the wealth position is in the west direction, the peach blossom position is in the north direction, the lucky number is 9, the lucky color is yellow, the lucky food is noodles.

Those who traveled dreamed that their mothers said they were not virgins:Suggesting obstruction and delaying their departure.

Those who are traveling dreamed that a man in red seduced me smacking me of being a virgin:Suggest delaying departure for a few more days.

For a person who goes to school to dream of courting a virgin means that he will not be admitted as he wishes.

People who go to school dreaming of making love to a virgin:The first examination is unfavorable, the second one is favorable.

People who go to school dreaming of an unmarried virgin breastfeeding her child:Implying poor grades and failure to be admitted.

A traveler dreaming of having sex with a virgin suggests to be careful in case of wind and have a smooth journey.

Those who are traveling dreamed of having sex with a virgin:Suggesting not to go out for good.

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