Meaning of dream about unit enemy with big feet

Doing business dreams of unit enemy feet big:Represents more losses, not too confident, big losses.

If you are pregnant and dream that your enemy's feet are big:You are predicting the birth of a daughter; if you are expecting a boy in winter, you should not move the earth or cut down trees.

People in love dreaming of unit enemy feet big:Suggests excessive comparison, personal marriage is different, it is advisable to be more sympathetic can be accomplished.

People dreaming of unit enemy foot big:Means nobleman help turn misfortune into good fortune, have joyful celebration food and wealth, pay attention to diet.

Dreaming of unit enemy feet big:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky number is 7, peach blossom bit in the southeast direction, wealth in the south direction, lucky color is white, lucky food is garlic.

Doing business dreamed that the unit sends out clothes:On behalf of obtaining the time profit, big investment or expanding also smooth.

Doing business dreamed that the enemy broke the palm:On behalf of not suitable for big investment, small investment nobleman help smooth get wealth.

Traveling people dreamed of female own back to the original unit:Suggests windy and rainy less go out.

Doing business dreamed of killing enemy with gun:Represents appropriate retreat, big business, big failure.

Traveling person dreamed of fighting with people against enemy:Suggests big change, postpone and then travel.

Doing business dreamed of going back to work as a foreman:Representing big loss, unfavorable financial fortune, suitable to defend.

Doing business dreamed of glue brother enemy:Represents loss more, not too confident, big loss.

Doing business dreamed of enemy suffer shame:Represents get time profit, big investment or expand also smooth.

Traveling person dreamed of working with new unit colleague:Suggests wind and sand is big, temporarily postponed and then set off.

Traveling person dreamed of unit leader smiled:Change big, postpone and then travel.

Traveling people dreamed of camouflaging inside enemy:Suggests windy and rainy less go out.

Doing business dreamed of inviting enemy to dinner:Represents difficulties and obstacles, not suitable for big investment, wait for the time to play.

People who are traveling dreamed of unit issued a lot of money:Suggest windy and rainy less go out.

People dreaming of unit is too busy:Means change big, loss is big, go out and travel to pay attention to safety.

Doing business dreamed of unit backyard fire:Represents loss is big, fortune is unfavorable, should be guarded.

Doing business dreamed of unit enemy:Represents success and fortune, money in and out be careful.

Traveling people dreamed of former unit principal:Suggests wind and sand big, temporarily postponed to set out again.

Doing business dreamed that enemy showed favor to me:Represents appropriate retreat, big operation, big failure.

Dreaming of eating longan:This is an auspicious omen, representing great luck, happiness in life and victory over enemies.

A businessman dreaming of seeing his enemy crossing the temple gate operates smoothly. At first there are obstacles:But then wealth and profit are great with.

People in love dreaming of being besieged by enemies indicates that it is difficult to marry an old husband and a young wife with a big difference in age.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a big dog in a flat predict the birth of a daughter:And not to do rough and heavy work.

Doing business dreamed of fund unit:Represents more loss, not too confident, big loss.

Traveling people dreaming of transferring work unit:Suggests windy and rainy less go out.

People dreaming of fighting a duel and defeating an enemy:Means big changes and big losses, go out and pay attention to safety.

Doing business dreamed of someone checking accounts at work unit:Represents appropriate retreat and defense, big operation, big failure.

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