What do you dream about touching a lot of eggs in the water?

A traveler dreaming of touching a lot of eggs in the water is advised to have a favorable trip near:But an unfavorable one far away.

A pregnant woman dreaming of touching many eggs in the water predicts the birth of a daughter:To be conceived at intervals of three years.

Those who are traveling dreamed of touching a lot of eggs in the water:Suggest leaving the group attempt, delayed and slow to return home.

For a businessman to dream that he touched many eggs in a river:It means that he can get wealth without any problems, but he should be careful to prevent lawsuits and fire from harming him.

Doing business dreamed of touching a lot of eggs in the water of a river:Representing smooth financial success, not blind investment.

Doing business dreamed of touching a snail in the water:Representing a bad situation, between moving and stopping, it is better to guard than to enter.

Pregnant people dreaming of touching a lot of river jacks in a river:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth, felling trees.

People in love dreamed of picking a lot of eggs in the water:Suggesting that if both parents can agree, the marriage can be accomplished.

A pregnant woman dreaming of touching a snail in the water predicts the birth of a boy. A girl will be born in August.

People traveling dreamed of touching a gold bracelet in the water:Suggesting that they can travel as scheduled.

A person dreaming in the year of his birth dreamed of touching a lot of eggs in the water of a river:Implying that most things are not going well, and the lawsuit is inevitable, but the end of the year is auspicious.

People dreaming of going to school dreamed of fishing out a lot of eggs in the water:Means that the results of the liberal arts are not satisfactory, difficult to be admitted.

People dreaming of eggs in the water means grasping the opportunity of real estate development to gain wealth and profit:As expected.

Pregnant people dreaming of going into the water to touch a lot of eggs in the water:Predicting the birth of a woman, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent the abortion of the fetus gas.

People in love dreamed of touching a lot of eggs in the river:Indicating that there are small people to destroy or no meaning to do husband and wife, to friends only.

People in love dreamed of touching many eggs in the water:Suggesting that the timing of the marriage proposal will be fruitful and the marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreamed of touching a gold bracelet in the water:Predicting the birth of a boy, the mother is unfavorable, careful care.

People traveling dreamed of touching a screw in the water:Suggest going out as scheduled, less change is better.

People in love dreamed of touching a snail in the water:Suggesting that a matchmaker's power could lead to marriage.

For a traveler who dreamt of touching a lot of quail in a river:It suggests that there is an evil disaster on the way, postpone the trip to a later date.

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