What does it mean to dream that your son carries jade

For those who are traveling:Dreaming of a son with a jade, suggest delaying the journey due to obstacles.

Dreaming of a son with a jade implies poor grades and difficulty in admission.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her son with jade predicts the birth of a male child:And a female child in July or August.

People in love dreaming of a son with a jade:Suggesting that both parties will be careless and suffer from petty sabotage.

People in business dreaming of a son with a jade represents a smooth struggle and a fortune to be gained.

Travelers dreaming of jade ring:Suggest going out smoothly, be careful against thieves.

A businessman dreaming of wearing a jade ring represents that there are too many ups and downs and obstacles:But the sky is doomed and there is no need to be concerned about it.

Pregnant people dreaming of bringing jade in one hand and Buddha beads in the other:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupies the birth of a man, and be careful of eating and drinking if you are not used to the water and the soil.

People dreaming of their son with jade:Means half gains and half losses, first gained and then lost, it is advisable to cherish caution, fall and winter are unfavorable.

If you dream of seeing your son with a jade ring:You are advised to change your itinerary and postpone your departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of wearing a jade ring predicts the birth of a daughter:But caution should be exercised to prevent the fetus from dying.

Those who are traveling dreamed of a broken jade choropleth. Suggesting to travel as you wish and bring rain gear.

For a person in love:Dreaming of a jade pendant, suggests that marriage is expected. Be frank and sincere.

A pregnant person dreaming of a son wearing jade predicts the birth of a daughter.

A traveler dreaming of receiving a jade ring with a dragon delays his trip.

Pregnant person dreaming of carrying a jade pendant predicts the birth of a daughter; in winter:The birth of a boy; do not move the earth or cut down wood.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her sister with a beautiful jade and gold pendant foretells the birth of a daughter; delay the labor for a while.

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