What is the omen of police arresting boyfriends

People who are traveling dreaming of their boyfriend being arrested by the police and are advised to go back and forth smoothly as expected.

People who are traveling dreaming of boyfriend being arrested by police meanings:Suggests proceeding to departure as scheduled.

People who go to school dreaming of boyfriend being arrested by police:Means can't pass the examination, try again later.

Doing business dreamed that boyfriend was arrested by police:Represents the best retreat, cannot expand, first difficult after easy.

Doing business dreamed that boyfriend was arrested by police means:On behalf of the twists and turns obstacles too much, days destined to not have to calculate.

Traveling people dreaming of friends being bad guy being arrested by police:Suggests changing date of departure, be careful when encountering water.

Doing business dreamed that his girlfriend was arrested by police:Represents not yet stabilized, should be more careful, spring possession of wealth and profit.

Pregnant people dreamed of being arrested by the police I called my boyfriend:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female, be careful to prevent moving the fetus.

People in love dreamed of being arrested by the police I call my boyfriend:Indicating that the female age slightly older, as long as mutual trust can be.

People who go to school dreaming that their friends are bad guys arrested by the police:Means that they fail to get what they want, and their grades are not satisfactory.

Doing business dreamed that his father was going to be arrested by the police:On behalf of the hard work of the operation, get friends to help and then successfully get money.

People in love dreaming of playing mahjong with friends caught by the police:Suggests that after many trials and tribulations, can hope to get married.

Traveling people dreaming of police arresting my friend:Suggests windy less go out, delay travel again.

Doing business dreamed of practicing driving and being arrested by police:On behalf of talking untrustworthy, friends betrayed trust and suffered losses.

Doing business dreamed of being arrested by the police:I called my boyfriend, on behalf of the initial favorable, but later have a loss. Yin people are unfavorable.

Pregnant people dreaming of friends arrested by the police:Predicting the birth of a daughter, more nutrition during pregnancy. Do more light exercise.

Pregnant people dreaming of being betrayed by friends arrested by the police:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupies the birth of a female.

Traveling people dreaming of boyfriend arrested by police:Suggests that in case of rain postponement and then go out.

Doing business dreamed of police arresting young lady born in the year of birth:Representing cautious against friend's backstabbing, lawsuit, litigation.

People dreaming of boyfriend being arrested by police in the year of birth means half of the misfortune and half of the blessing:Not to lose a lot because of small things. Be careful to prevent small people from designing and framing.

People in love dreaming of boyfriend being arrested by police means that verbal disputes can be resolved and marriage can be accomplished.

People who are traveling dream that their friends are fugitives assisting the police to catch them:Suggest delaying travel for a few days.

Pregnant people dreaming of police arresting my friend:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth to move the fetus and miscarriage.

Traveling people dreaming of police arresting my boyfriend:Traveling as scheduled, smooth.

Traveling person dreamed of boyfriend crime was arrested by police:Suggests going out smoothly.

People in love dreamed of girlfriend arrested by police:Suggests more interaction and communication, may become married.

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