Dreaming of beating a fox

People traveling dreaming of beating a fox and being bitten by a fox are advised to postpone their departure in case of rain.A pregnant woman dreaming of beating a fox an... Read more

Dreaming of a white fox

A traveler dreaming of a red fox and a white fox is advised not to go out.A pregnant person dreaming of a white fox and a black fox predicts the birth of a daughter:Be ca... Read more

Dream:Holding a fox

A traveler dreaming of holding a white fox and talking to a fox:Be careful in the wind and go well.People who go to school dream that they hold a white fox and talk to a ... Read more

Dream about being chased by a fox

People who travel dream that I am being chased by a fox are advised to go out between fall and winter.People who go to school dreaming of being chased by a white fox:Poor... Read more