Dreaming of a very clear earthquake

A traveler dreaming of a clear earthquake is advised to postpone the trip if he is stranded on the way.A pregnant woman dreaming of a clear earthquake predicts the birth ... Read more

Dreaming of picking mushrooms

If you are traveling and dream of picking a lot of mushrooms:You are advised to go out smoothly and safely as you wish.If you are traveling and dream of picking mushrooms... Read more

Dream: Long dead father

A traveler dreaming of a long dead father will have to postpone his trip in case of rain.If you are pregnant and dream of your long dead father:You will give birth to a b... Read more

Dreaming of a thief attacking you

If you are traveling and dream that you are attacked by a thief in your sleep:You are advised to postpone your return home for a few days, and you will be safe.If you are... Read more

Dreaming of losing a television set

If you dream of losing a TV set in your current year of life:Fire prevention at the beginning of the year, fall and winter will go smoothly as expected.Pregnant people dr... Read more