Dream:Dog rolling to show manners

Those who are traveling dreaming of a dog rolling around as a sign of politeness:And suggest stopping in case of rain or wind and postponing the departure.People who go t... Read more

Dreaming of the star of wolf

A traveler dreaming of the Star of Greedy Wolf is advised to postpone the trip if the sky does not agree with one's wishes.A pregnant woman dreaming of the Star of Greedy... Read more

Dream:Flying on the roof

For a person in love to dream of flying on the roof suggests that a marriage can be accomplished if you are of one heart and one mind.A pregnant person dreaming of flying... Read more

Dreaming of a section of snake

A pregnant woman dreaming of a snake cut into sections foretells the birth of a daughter; do not move the earth.A pregnant woman dreaming of a snake cut into pieces predi... Read more

What does it mean to lose an item?

People who are traveling dreaming of losing their belongings are advised to delay their departure in case of wind.Dreaming of losing valuables would cause a great disaste... Read more

Dreaming of Marsupial snails

People traveling dreaming of Marsupialus:Suggest going on fewer trips and delaying their departure.Doing business dreamed of Ma's snail:Represents smooth as expected, hav... Read more

Dream:Killed the dog

A traveler dreaming of killing a pig is advised to go out peacefully.If a pregnant woman dreamed of killing her dog:According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis, her luck... Read more