Dreaming of buying a slide

A pregnant woman dreaming of buying a slide predicts the birth of a daughter.A dream of a businessman dreaming of buying a slide represents difficulties in starting a bus... Read more

Do you dream of floating stocks?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a floating stock is predicting the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter.If you dream of floating stocks:It means good luck a... Read more

Dreams about Radio Gymnastics

A traveler dreaming of radio gymnastics is advised to delay his departure for a few more days.A person dreaming of broadcasting gymnastics represents that at first things... Read more

Dreaming of ninety nights

A pregnant woman dreaming of ninety nights foretells the birth of a daughter; it would be better if she moves less:Or else she will have fetal qi.For a businessman to dre... Read more

How do you dream of a broken comb?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a broken comb and buying a new one is predicting the birth of a boy. A girl will be born in August.For a businessman to dream of a broken com... Read more