Dream:Pick up a lot of fruit

Doing business dreamed of picking up a lot of fruit:Representing the wrong way to do the wrong line, difficult to operate, loss is unfavorable.People in love dreamed of p... Read more

Dreams about running out of money

People who go to school dreaming that their family is broke and they are broke:Be careful on the oral examination, there is hope for admission.Those who are traveling dre... Read more

Dreaming of running out of money

Those who go to school dreaming of having no money at home and having no money for themselves:Be careful in the oral examination and hope for admission.Those who are trav... Read more

Dream:Pick up yellow envelope

A pregnant woman dreaming of picking up pins will give birth to a boy.A traveler dreaming of picking up jewelry is advised to go out smoothly.A traveler dreaming of picki... Read more

Dreaming of picking up a baby girl

A pregnant person dreaming of picking up a baby girl predicts the birth of a male child:Smooth sailing, and a careful fireplace.A traveler dreaming of picking up an aband... Read more