Do you dream of dying in battle?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a battlefield foretells the birth of a daughter:Related to ancestral graves.A traveler dreaming of dying in battle suggests no harm in travel... Read more

Dream:Quarrel with a monk

If a traveler dreams of quarreling with a monk:He will go out safely as scheduled, but will return home later.A pregnant woman dreaming of quarreling with a monk would be... Read more

What do the two monks mean?

A pregnant woman dreaming of two monks foretells the birth of a male child:A female child in summer. Pregnant women should not raise themselves up.If a businessman dreams... Read more

Meaning of dreaming about chanting

A pregnant person dreaming of chanting sutras is advised to give birth to a baby girl and to guard against miscarriage.A traveler dreaming of a man chanting sutras is adv... Read more

Dreams about being a ghost yourself

People who go to school dreaming that they are ghosts and have to work hard to enrich themselves with hope for admission.Those who are traveling dream that they are monks... Read more