Dreaming of hair on face

A pregnant woman dreaming of hair on her face predicts the birth of a male child:But be cautious of fetal demise.A traveler dreaming of a child with hair on his face sugg... Read more

Dreaming of losing half your hair

For a person who goes to school to dream of shedding half the length of his long hair:It means that the first attempt is unfavorable and the second is favorable.For a per... Read more

Dreaming I have long hair hair long

Traveling people dreaming that I have long hair and long hair:Suggest that it is auspicious to depart as scheduled.People who do business dreaming that I have long hair r... Read more

Do you dream of hair?

A traveler who dreams of combing his hair and losing it:Proceeds with his departure as scheduled.A traveler dreaming of red hair and long hair is advised to go out as sch... Read more