What does lighted hall mean?

A traveler dreaming of a lighted hall is advised to choose another date to go out.A pregnant woman dreaming of a brightly lit hall predicts the birth of a daughter. Be ca... Read more

Dream:Telescope for bathhouse

People traveling dreaming of a bath hall with binoculars are advised to go out as scheduled and delay their return.For those who are in love:Dreaming of a telescope in a ... Read more

Dream:dead great man's hearth

For a businessman to dream of a dead man's chapel:It means that things will go smoothly at first, but then there will be more ups and downs.A pregnant woman dreaming of a... Read more

Dreaming of having two homes

For those who go to school to dream of having two homes:It means that there are obstacles that prevent you from getting what you want.A traveler dreaming of two dead peop... Read more

What is the omen of Zhang Danying

A pregnant woman dreaming of Zhang Danying is predicting the birth of a daughter:And she should pay more attention to her diet.Doing business dreamed of Zhang Danying:On ... Read more

Dream:Dyson Hall

A traveler dreaming of Dyson Hall is advised to travel if it is sunny.Those who go to school dreaming of Dyson Hall:Means poor grades, next time you come back you can exp... Read more

Dream: Sitting with a Woman

A traveler dreaming of sitting in a hall with a woman is advised to postpone the trip for a few days.Those who dreamed of sitting with a woman in a hall implies that one ... Read more