Dreaming of Changing Cars

A traveler dreaming that his father wants to change his car but won't give it to me is advised to change his ride:And it is advisable to be careful of fire and water.A tr... Read more

What is the omen of a pile of fish

A traveler dreaming of a pile of fish is advised to change his ride and be careful of fire and water.A traveler dreaming of a pile of dead rats and killing fish:Going out... Read more

What do you mean, a little girl?

A pregnant person dreaming of a little girl foretells the birth of a daughter and avoids moving earth.A traveler dreaming of giving birth to a pretty little girl is advis... Read more

Dreaming of a lover crying

People who are traveling dreaming that I cried when my lover died:Suggest delaying the departure for a few more days.Traveling people dreaming of lover crying and parting... Read more

Dreaming of snakes going away

People who go to school dreaming of hitting a snake and the snake going away means poor grades and failure to get in.Those who are traveling dreamed of hitting a snake an... Read more