Dreaming of a donkey being killed

A pregnant woman dreaming of being killed is predicting the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.A traveler dreaming of being killed is advised to stop in cas... Read more

How do you dream of a donkey bite?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a donkey biting her hand predicts the birth of a daughter.A pregnant woman dreaming of a donkey biting her hand predicts the birth of a daugh... Read more

A dream about a donkey laughing

A pregnant woman dreaming of a donkey laughing foretells the birth of a daughter.If a person in love dreams of a donkey laughing at her:She may get married with the help ... Read more

Dreaming of pulling pears

A pregnant woman dreaming of a donkey pulling a pear will give birth to a male child.People dreaming of a donkey pulling a pear give birth to a boy.Those who dreamed of t... Read more