Dreaming of apples with maggots

If you dream of maggots in an apple:You will have good luck in your travels.If you dream of apples with maggots:You should have determination and perseverance to take the... Read more

What is the omen of Kistler?

A traveler dreaming of kisle postpones another trip.A pregnant woman dreaming of kisle will give birth to a daughter.People who go to school dreaming of kisle:Although th... Read more

What does big spending money mean

People who go to school dreaming of spending money:Although the obstacles are great, have determination and perseverance to take the exam.People in love dreaming of spend... Read more

Dream:Throwing shit at me

A pregnant woman dreaming of A throwing faeces at me predicts the birth of a male child.For those who dreamt of a man throwing shit at me:It means that although there are... Read more

Dreaming of scheming

A traveler dreaming of scheming is advised to proceed as scheduled:Smoothly and safely.A traveler dreaming of betrayal by a scheming heart is advised to go out as schedul... Read more