What is the omen of calling mom

A traveler dreaming of calling his mom suggests that he may go out smoothly and be careful around water.A pregnant person dreaming of calling her mother predicts a male c... Read more

What does it mean to hit a lover

A pregnant woman dreaming of hitting her former lover predicts the birth of a male child.A pregnant woman dreaming of calling her lover on her cell phone and not being ab... Read more

What's the sign of a call for help?

A pregnant woman dreaming of being tricked into calling for help will give birth to a male child:But be cautious of fetal demise.A pregnant woman dreaming of calling her ... Read more

Dream:Calling the police

A traveler dreaming of calling the police is advised to travel smoothly as scheduled.A pregnant woman dreaming of calling a policeman predicts the birth of a daughter; do... Read more

What does telephone mean?

People who are traveling dream of taking their boyfriend's phone to call their boss:And proceeding with their departure as scheduled.Pregnant people dreaming of a teacher... Read more