Dreams about your own broken leg

A pregnant person dreaming that her leg is broken predicts the birth of a daughter:And she should pay more attention to her diet.A traveler dreaming of a broken leg is ad... Read more

Dream: Broken Legs

To dream of a broken leg:You and your child will be sick.A traveler dreaming of a dead doll with a broken leg travels as expected.A traveler dreaming of a dog with a brok... Read more

Dream: Father's leg broken

A pregnant woman dreaming of her father's broken leg predicts the birth of a daughter. In the fall:A boy will be born.A dream of a school student seeing his father's leg ... Read more

What does a dog's broken tail mean

For a businessman to dream of treating a dog with a broken leg and tail:It means that the business is not going well, and cannot be turned around, and will eventually sto... Read more

Dream:Dog with broken leg

For a person who goes to school to dream of a dog with a broken leg:It means that he or she will fail to get a good grade. Poor grades.A pregnant woman dreaming of a dog ... Read more

Dream:Spider with broken leg

If you are traveling and dream of a spider breaking its legs:You are advised to have a smooth trip, but if you feel unwell on the way, you should take care of yourself.Pr... Read more