What is the omen of the wedding

Dreaming of thread:A marriage. Dunhuang Book of DreamsDreaming of someone playing the accordion:A wedding event at home.A traveler dreaming of attending a wedding is advi... Read more

Dream:Book stolen

A traveler dreaming of a book being stolen is advised to choose another date for departure.A pregnant woman dreaming of a book being stolen will give birth to a boy. If a... Read more

Dreaming of going up high

A traveler dreaming of going up a high ladder changes the date of departure.To dream of going up to a high place is to be rich. Dunhuang Book of DreamsA pregnant woman dr... Read more

What does a lot of books mean?

A traveler dreaming of lots and lots of various kinds of chrysanthemums is advised to follow a plan and have a safe trip.Doing business dreamed that aunt's daughter had a... Read more

Dreaming of nobles

Dreaming of Wat:A nobleman proposing marriage. Dunhuang Book of DreamsA pregnant woman dreaming of a nobleman gives birth to a daughter:While a man is born in winter.Thos... Read more

Dreams: books Books

Dreaming of a very large book means that you will be contacted by a friend from afar. There are opportunities to meet new people in group gatherings. These two days are s... Read more

What does walking in the rain mean

A traveler dreaming of walking in the rain with an umbrella is advised not to travel and to postpone the trip.If a traveler dreams of walking in the rain:He will be safe ... Read more

What Does Former Self Mean

To dream of a former girlfriend:An enemy will triumph over you.A traveler dreaming of a book of his former self suggests a safe coming and going.To dream of a photograph:... Read more

What does turtle mean

Dreaming of a turtle and a soft-shelled turtle:One is loved by others. Dunhuang Dream BookTo dream of a turtle and a soft-shelled turtle is to get an official position. T... Read more

Dream about Altair

Dreaming of leading an ox:A ritual matter. Dunhuang Book of DreamsA traveler dreaming of leading an ox suggests a smooth journey.To dream of leading an ox to plow a field... Read more

What does invent mean?

For a traveler to dream that another person invents:Suggests traveling smoothly as desired and on schedule.A traveler dreaming of someone inventing fire is advised to cha... Read more

Dream:Dried Fish

Dreaming of dried fish:Great drought. Dunhuang Book of DreamsTo dream of dried fish foretells difficulties in life.To dream of dry fish going down:Foretells that difficul... Read more