Dreams about intimacy

A traveler dreaming of intimacy with another person is advised to go out as scheduled.A traveler dreaming of intimacy and petting is advised to go well and go out without... Read more

Dreaming of killing six dogs

Those who are traveling dreamed that they killed six dogs:Suggest going out with many twists and turns, postpone going out.People in love dreamt of killing six dogs:Sugge... Read more

Dreams about a pack of dogs tearing

A traveler dreaming of a pack of dogs tearing and biting is advised to come and go safely.A traveler dreaming of a pack of strange dogs tearing at me is advised to leave ... Read more

Dreaming of a ferocious dog

A pregnant woman dreaming of a ferocious dog and cat predicts the birth of a daughter:And guards against miscarriage.Traveling people dreaming of fierce dogs and cats:Sug... Read more