What is the omen of the person who used to like me?

A pregnant woman dreaming of someone she used to like is predicting the birth of a daughter:But beware of fire and water.

For those who are in love:Dreaming of someone who used to be in love with me, suggests that if you understand each other and don't need to modify your appearance, you can expect to get married.

For those who dreamt of seeing someone who used to like me:It means that they have not yet got the luck of the hour. One should be careful with one's property, as there will be losses.

People dreaming of seeing someone who used to like me in the current year of life means tongue and cheek:Be careful to guard against official symbols or prison disaster.

Doing business dreamed of coworkers and my boyfriend said like me:On behalf of once several obstacles, operating difficulties, winter weather to come better.

Traveling people dreamed of once like my man:Suggests delaying the date of travel, encounter water and fire be careful.

Those who dreamed of kissing a man who used to like me were especially careful during the oral examination and had hope of acceptance.

Pregnant people dreamed of kissing a man who used to like me:Giving birth to a daughter, avoid moving earth, prevent miscarriage.

Traveling people dream of re-encountering the man who used to like me:It is recommended to postpone the departure for a day or two.

Traveling people dreamed of once said like my man:Suggest with the family behavior good.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a good friend not liking me:Predicting the birth of a boy, health situation is not good.

People dreaming of embracing someone who used to like me in their current year of life are cautious against revenge or villainy. Climbing the mountain outing less go.

Pregnant people dreaming of embracing the person who used to like me and I:Give birth to a boy, summer month to give birth to a girl, be careful with your diet.

People in love dreamed of people who used to say like me:Indicates that both sides are too strong, can't give in to each other, have to split up.

Doing business dreamed of a man who used to like me:Represents a smooth financial gain, pay attention to small people hurt.

Doing business dreamed that used to like my man hated me:On behalf of smooth get wealth, careful to prevent villain framing, a little change.

Doing business dreamed that I embraced the person who used to like me:Internal disagreement, rumor spreading should be reorganized.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing the person who used to like me holding my hand:Predicting the birth of a male, spring accounted for the birth of a female. Beware of strange tumors.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing someone they once had a crush on liking me:Predicting the birth of a girl, spring and moon account for the birth of a boy, peace.

People in love dream that the person they like doesn't like me anymore:Indicating that if both parents can agree, the marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreamed that the person I like also likes me:Predicting the birth of a daughter. Spring occupies the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus.

Doing business dreamed of seeing someone I like but don't like me:Represents that you can get wealth and profit, but less change is better. Aquatic products, beverages, trade is favorable.

People in love dreaming of people I like but don't like me:Suggests that if you can resolve the deadlock or misunderstanding, then it can be accomplished.

People dreaming of people I like but don't like me mean that they should be careful not to be framed by small people:Lose money or be in poor health.

People in love dreamed that the person I like also likes me:Suggests that not acute, slowly communication, mutual understanding can be accomplished.

People in love dreamed of the man I like he also likes me:Suggests willingness, have integrity with marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of the man I like he also likes me:Represents favorable flow in the plate business, at present there are obstacles, summer is better.

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