What does dreaming about abuse symbolize

If a traveler dreams of killing someone:His luck is not good, so he should go out less often.

For those who are in love:Dreaming of abusing and killing others suggests that marriage is in sight.

A pregnant woman dreaming of killing someone predicts the birth of a boy.

People dreaming of abuse in school:More efforts, more preparation, hope to be admitted.

Those who are traveling dreamed of being abused by others:Don't think too much, can depart.

People in love dreamed of abusing relatives:Suggests quick decision, immediate action can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of being abused:Hope to give birth to a boy. A woman would be born in spring.

Pregnant people dreaming of abusing and killing a dreamer:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, do not overwork, food careful.

People in business dreamed of killing a leopard:Representing wealth and profit.

People in love dreamed of someone being abused:Suggesting that sometimes good and sometimes bad, if you can stabilize the marriage can be accomplished.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a man being abused and killed by others predicts the birth of a male child:But guard against moving the earth or driving the car to move the fetus.

For those in love:Dreaming of a lot of people being abused and killed, suggests that marriage is ripe and the best spouse, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of being abused in the current year should not trust their friends too much:And should not believe the rumors.

Pregnant people dreaming of being abused by others:Give birth to a daughter, pregnant women less driving for good.

People dreaming of being abused and killed by others:In the midst of difficulties to adhere to the position, and finally get the luck to be pleased.

Pregnant people dreaming of two cats being abused:Foretelling the birth of a man in spring, the labor period is prolonged and pay attention to the birth of a child.

Travelers dreaming of abusing cats but not dead:Suggesting to be careful in case of water and return home safely.

People dreaming of being abused in the current year mean that their luck is better than in previous years:And they can purchase real estate.

People in love dreamed of being abused by others:Have honesty to treat marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreamed of abusing a cat but did not die:Suggesting that there are small people to sabotage, can firmly believe that marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dream of being abused and killed:Giving birth to a daughter, and in winter, giving birth to a man. Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of abusing and killing a dreamer:On behalf of stopping and stopping work is not very smooth, can not last, there is a loss.

People dreaming of killing:Beware of official symbols, things do not go well, it is better to guard than to enter, a little bit of wealth and profit.

Pregnant people dreamed of abusing a leopard:Foretelling the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, the mother is safe, the son is unfavorable.

Doing business dreamed of being abused by others:It is difficult to do things at the beginning, there are many chores, and it will be smoother in the future.

Pregnant people dreamed of abusing a cat but not dead:Predicting the birth of a boy, summer occupying the birth of a girl, do not overwork, food, be careful.

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