What does it mean to kill a lot of flies in bed

A traveler dreaming of killing many flies in bed is advised to go out safely as scheduled.

Pregnant people dreaming of killing many flies in bed:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, avoid moving the earth, moving the fetus.

People in love dreamed of killing a lot of flies in bed:Suggesting that mutual discovery of shortcomings, if you can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of killing a lot of flies in bed:On behalf of the fall accounted for favorable, always good, pay attention to lawsuits in progress.

People dreaming of killing a lot of flies in bed:Means more care for the body, joyful, peaceful and modest can be transitory.

When a person in the current year of life dreamed of killing many flies:It means that the feng shui is victimized, the ancestral tomb is disturbed, and things are going backward without advancing.

Pregnant people dreamed that I killed a lot of flies:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring accounted for a man, the water and soil is not suitable to regurgitate, avoid moving the earth.

Pregnant people dreamed of spiders on the bed husband killed it:Predicting the birth of a man, if the month of August will give birth to a woman.

People in love dreamed of live flies crawling on the bed:Suggesting that there are small people to destroy or no meaning to do husband and wife, to friends only.

If you dream of seeing a lot of flies in the house being killed by me:It means that you will be poor in arts, but you can expect to be admitted to the university.

A pregnant woman dreaming of killing a lot of flies predicts the birth of a daughter. Beware of the baby.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing many flies being killed:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female, or have a strange fetus, should be careful to observe.

Doing business dreamed of live flies crawling on the bed:Representing do not be too fatigued, into the wealth but the body is not safe.

This year's people dreamed that I many killed a lot of flies:Means that feng shui victimization, ancestral graves are uneasy, things do not advance or retreat.

Traveling people dreamed of a lot of maggots in bed:Suggest smooth round trip, safe and sound.

Doing business dreamed of killing a lot of flies but not all of them:On behalf of real estate wealth, do not listen to untrue rumors, stable and profitable.

Doing business dreamed of spider in bed husband killed it:On behalf of management slow but progress, good to grasp, eventually have financial benefits.

People who dreamed of seeing a snake killed in bed:Means that the oral examination and arts performance is not good, failed to be admitted.

Pregnant people dreaming of killing a lot of flies:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupies the birth of a man, careful maintenance.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing many needles on the bed:Suggesting delaying departure in case of rain.

Doing business dreamed of killing a lot of flies:On behalf of the appropriate to guard not to enter, not big investment.

People in love dreamed of killing a lot of flies:Indicating that mutual understanding and frank treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of seeing live flies crawling on their beds means that the mood is liberalized:And that they should be careful not to meddle in idle matters, and to guard against bloodshed or official symbols.

People dreaming of seeing many children in bed in the current year of life:All things are unfavorable, the plague of injury.

Traveling people dreaming of many small snakes in bed:Suggests safe going out and safe coming home.

People who go to school dreaming of many needles on a bed means that they will be admitted as they wish.

People in love dreaming of spiders on the bed husband beat it to death:Suggests that the woman is slightly older, as long as mutual trust can be.

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