Meaning of Dreaming of Icebergs Driving Down

For those who dreamt of icebergs driving down:It means poor grades in liberal arts affecting admission scores.

If you are pregnant and dream of driving down an iceberg:You are predicting the birth of a male, a female in April or May, and a false alarm in summer.

Doing business dreamed of driving down an iceberg:On behalf of the failure to go smoothly, think twice, it is advisable to guard not to enter.

People dreaming of driving down an iceberg in the year of our Lord's birth mean that they are too stubborn and prone to failure:But if they can overcome them with gentleness, they will be as smooth as they want to be.

People in love dreaming of driving down an iceberg:Suggesting that a movement, a cold, a hot, mutual trust can be expected to succeed.

If a pregnant woman dreams of climbing up an iceberg and falling down:She is predicting the birth of a girl, not a boy. Be cautious of miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of driving down a steep slope is advised to go out smoothly. If the wind is strong:Stop.

A traveler dreaming of driving down a steep hill and not being able to brake is advised to go out less often and postpone the trip.

Those who are traveling dreamed of driving down a foggy hill:Suggest that they can go out as scheduled.

People in love dreamed of driving rain:Temperament intolerance, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of Zhang Zhenghong driving in the rain:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful with fire and water.

People dreaming of driving down from a high mountain means less going to the water's edge:Making profits as an economist, real estate money.

Pregnant people dreaming of driving down a mountain road:Predicts the birth of a daughter, less go out to climb the mountain.

Pregnant people dreaming of car raining umbrellas:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, driving carefully do not move the fetus.

Pregnant people dreaming of driving down the hill and falling:Predicting the birth of a daughter. Spring occupies the birth of a man.

Pregnant people dreaming of son driving downhill:Give birth to a boy, fall occupying the birth of a girl, be careful not to fetal death.

Travelers dreaming of driving downhill dare not go down:Suggests encountering water be careful, safe return home.

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