Dreaming of Injury

A traveler dreaming of injuring a good friend is safe to go out as scheduled.

A traveler dreaming of injuring a brother suggests choosing another date for departure.

Traveling person dreamed of being injured by colleague:Choose another date to depart.

Traveling person dreamed of wounding a monkey and bleeding:As expected to go out peacefully.

A traveler dreaming of injuring a monk suggests choosing another date for departure.

A person dreaming of going to school dreaming of injuring his finger:Can not be admitted, more effort is needed.

A traveler dreaming of losing a tooth and injuring a man is advised to have a smooth and safe journey as desired.

A traveler dreaming of lightning striking and injuring a person is advised to choose another date for departure.

A pregnant person dreaming of wounding a little boy in the eye:Giving birth to a daughter, preventing miscarriage.

Traveler dreamed of seeing someone injuring a dog:Suggest postponing the trip for a few days.

Traveler dreaming of seeing someone wounded by a gun:Change the date of departure.

People who go to school dreamed of wounding a monkey and bleeding:Results in liberal arts are poor, can not be admitted.

A pregnant woman dreaming of wounding her sister predicts the birth of a daughter. Autumn and winter account for the birth of a male.

Traveler dreamed of wounding a child's face and bleeding:A wind will stop and postpone.

A traveler dreaming that I wounded a robber suggests changing the date of travel.

A traveler dreaming of bruising his finger:Postpones his departure again for some reason.

People dreaming of going to school dreamed of being injured by a coworker:Many obstacles, hard to get what one wishes for.

Traveler dreaming of injuring a boy:Smooth trip, postponement of return.

Pregnant person dreamed of hurting her finger:Giving birth to a daughter, preventing fetal death.

Pregnant person dreamed of wounding a chicken:Give birth to a daughter, do not do heavy work.

A pregnant woman dreaming that I wounded a dog:Foretells the birth of a daughter, good luck, mother and child are safe.

A pregnant woman dreaming of bleeding from a wound predicts the birth of a male child; guard against difficult labor.

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