Meaning of a dream about having your stomach cut

For those who are traveling:Dreaming of having one's stomach cut suggests a smooth and safe journey.

For those who go to school:Dreaming of having one's stomach cut off, suggests poor grades in liberal arts, affecting admission.

For a businessman to dream of having his stomach cut off:It means that his business will be good at first, but then he will slowly change his mind and lose money.

A pregnant woman dreaming of having her stomach cut predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in summer. Pregnant women should not raise themselves up.

People in love dreamed of being cut stomach:Suggesting that mutual discovery of shortcomings, if you can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

People who go to school dreaming of having their throats slit:Many obstacles, hard work, finally admitted.

Doing business dreamed of someone cutting my stomach meat to eat:Represents a small person design, profit is not smooth, a little change to smooth.

Pregnant people dreaming of being cut in the eyes:Foretelling that they will get a man in spring and fall, and a woman in summer.

Traveling people dreamed of being robbed and having their throats cut:Suggesting that they can travel as scheduled.

Pregnant person dreamed that I was cut the fat on my body:Give birth to a daughter, be careful at the water's edge, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People in business dreamed of having their heads cut off:Representing smooth and satisfactory at first, but more ups and downs later.

If a traveler dreams of having his kidneys cut:He is advised to go back and forth smoothly and safely.

Dreaming of having one's stomach cut:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is red, lucky number is 5, peach blossom position is in the southwest direction, wealth position is in the due west direction, lucky food is orange.

If a businessman dreams of having his throat slit:It means that he cannot operate smoothly and will start again after reorganizing.

A pregnant woman dreaming of having her throat cut predicts the birth of a daughter.

A pregnant woman dreaming of having her stomach cut predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the fall. Be careful not to move the fetus to miscarry.

A dream of a school student seeing his throat cut means that he will not be able to fulfill his wish after many twists and turns.

A pregnant woman dreaming of having her foot tendons cut predicts the birth of a boy. In summer:A girl will be born.

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