I dreamt that someone would fly.

A traveler dreaming of someone flying is advised to go out safely.

For those who go to school:Dreaming of someone flying and chasing after them, means to be admitted as desired.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a flying man predicts the birth of a male child and more care for the mother.

People in love dreaming of flying with someone else means someone is destroying the relationship:Handle with caution and don't misunderstand each other.

Pregnant people dreaming of someone flying:Foretelling the birth of a man, the fall occupying the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent the fetus died in the womb.

People dreaming of flying people chasing and beating:Means that there is no danger of being surprised, out of small people, traveling less, all matters of retreat and defense.

Doing business dreamed of a blue and white flying fish:Representing internal and external vilification and sabotage, it is advisable to be more cautious.

People in love dreaming of flying behind someone chasing:Indicating willingness, honesty with marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of flying:As long as you are happy. Because of this mentality, you are very humane in the crowd, but also tend to ignore your responsibilities.

People in love dreaming of someone flying:Indicating that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual tolerance marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming of catching a flying mouse:Suggesting that someone is destroying, handle with caution, do not misunderstand each other.

People in love dreamed of seeing a fish flying when touching it with her son:Suggesting that although they can talk about each other's inner words, someone is sabotaging them.

Doing business dreamed of filming a movie because of the flyer:Representing internal and external vilification and sabotage, it is advisable to be more cautious as a matter of importance.

To dream of a parrot flying is a good sign that your present troubles or sorrows will become a thing of the past:And that someone will make you smile.

A pregnant woman dreaming of flying with someone chasing after her predicts the birth of a boy. A girl in March or April:To prevent miscarriage.

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