A dream about a fish twice

Dreaming of fish twice in a dream:A person who goes to school will have a hard time getting in.

A pregnant woman dreaming of fish twice:Giving birth to a boy, avoiding moving the earth to move the fetus.

Those who dreamed of seeing fish twice dreamed that the wind was strong:But fewer people went out and delayed the trip.

Traveling people dreamed of E fish biting me twice:Suggest a slight delay of a few days, can travel smoothly.

Doing business dreamed of fish twice:Difficulties and obstacles, not suitable for big investment, wait for the time to play.

Doing business dreamed of a lot of fish:Represents after two ups and downs, some loss, should start again.

Doing business dreamed of someone giving me fish:Represents after two ups and downs, some loss, should start again.

A businessman dreaming of stabbing fish with a needle represents a loss after two ups and downs:And should start again.

A businessman dreaming of giving fish to someone represents a new start after two setbacks and losses.

A businessman dreaming of seeing dried fish represents a loss after two ups and downs and should start again.

For a person who goes to school to dream that his wife kills a fish:It means that he can't get what he wants, he fails twice, and he should try again and succeed at last.

Doing business dreamed that the fish let me tear:Represents after two ups and downs, there is a loss, should start again.

A businessman dreaming of seeing many kinds of fish in a river means that after two setbacks and losses:He should start again.

A businessman dreaming of catching fish in a fish pond:After two ups and downs, there is a loss, should start again.

A businessman dreaming of catching fish in a river:After two ups and downs, represents a loss and should start again.

A businessman dreaming of buying and burning fish represents a new start after two setbacks and losses.

A businessman dreaming of dissecting a fish with a knife represents a new start after two setbacks and losses.

For a school student to dream of a woman catching a lot of fish:Means not being able to get what you want, failing twice, and then trying again and succeeding in the end.

For a businessman to dream of tuna represents a loss after two ups and downs and a fresh start.

For a businessman to dream of catching fish in a river:After two ups and downs, represents a loss and a fresh start.

A person dreaming of catching fish twice in the year of one's life would have a bad year at the beginning of the year:But would have to take the initiative in everything and be careful as a guest.

Doing business dreamed of catching fish by oneself twice:Represents that there is loss first and then there is gain of wealth and profit, to organize, to change.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing E fish biting me twice:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female, less go out on rainy days.

Doing business dreamed of evil fish:Represents after two ups and downs, some loss, should start again.

A businessman dreaming of fish toys represents a new start after two setbacks and losses.

A businessman dreaming of going up a river and hooking a lot of fish represents a loss after two ups and downs and should start again.

For a person who goes to school to dream of purchasing fish roe:It means that you can't get what you want, you failed twice, and you should start again and succeed in the end.

Those who are traveling dreamed of catching fish by themselves twice:Suggesting to delay returning slightly and not change the itinerary for the better.

For a businessman to dream of catching a fish in muddy water:Represents that after two ups and downs and losses, he should start again.

A businessman dreaming of a black devil fish represents a new start after two setbacks and losses.

People in love dreaming of a fish biting me twice:Suggesting that initial disagreement, and then cultivate feelings can be expected to get married.

People in business dreamed that a fish could fly and talk:Representing that after two ups and downs, there are losses and one should start afresh.

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