What is the omen of a broken statue of Kwun Yum

A traveler dreaming of a broken statue of Goddess of Mercy is advised to have a smooth journey.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a broken statue of Goddess of Mercy predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in spring.

When a businessman dreamed of seeing a broken statue of Guanyin:It represented uncertainty and unfavorable fortune, and it was not advisable to keep the old business to get wealth.

People in love dreaming of Guanyin statue broken:Indicating that the age difference is a little big, to be more accommodating can be accomplished.

People dreaming of Goddess of Mercy statue broken:Means in between the advance and retreat, all things careful, cautious against small people.

Doing business dreamed of home Guanyin statue broken:Less change is better, the south is favorable, can get wealth and profit.

People dreaming of Guanyin idol:Be careful to prevent the disaster of loss of report injury, the south less go, all things do not go well.

Pregnant people dream of Guanyin idol:Give birth to a girl. Spring occupying a male, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus.

Doing business dreamed that the god of wealth statue changed to Guanyin statue:On behalf of appropriate retreat, big business, big failure.

Doing business dreamed that the Goddess of Mercy statue disappeared:Representing unfavorable loss of wealth, it is better to keep the old, not to invest again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of inviting the Goddess of Mercy statue predicts that she will get a man in spring and fall:And a woman in summer.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing Guanyin fighting and breaking two idols:Predicting the birth of a girl, spring occupying the birth of a boy, pay attention to nutrition.

A businessman dreaming of seeing a statue of Guanyin being destroyed at home represents a lot of uncertainty and loss:Think of ways to reorganize.

People dreaming of the Goddess of Mercy statue in the year of life:Where prior planning is thorough, then move without regret, caution is important.

People dreaming of Guanyin broken:Not traveling, postpone going out.

People dreaming of a broken Guanyin statue and a broken Ruyi means successful admission.

People in business dreamed of carrying Guanyin to see the idol:Representing a fortune, not very smooth, suitable for wood industry, can make money.

People in love dreamed of seeing the God of Fortune like Guanyin statue:Relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of Goddess of Mercy statue eyes staring at me:Predicting the birth of a daughter. In the fall, a man will be born.

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