What does it mean to drink tea to quench your thirst

A businessman dreaming of feeding snow to an animal to quench its thirst represents a pause or unfavorable operation.

For a businessman to dream of drinking water without quenching his thirst:Represents wealth coming in spring. It is unfavorable in summer, and should be improved.

A pregnant woman dreaming of drinking water without quenching her thirst is predicting the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Don't be too tired.

People in love dreaming of how to drink water do not quench their thirst:Indicating that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

Doing business dreamed that someone gave water to drink and quenched his thirst:Representing that the initial business went smoothly and gained wealth, and then stopped due to many obstacles.

Traveling people dreamed of drinking tea with idol:Suggesting to straighten up and set off smoothly.

People dreaming of taking a snow block and feeding it to an animal to quench its thirst means that there is perseverance in everything:Though there are ups and downs, the end is auspicious, and there will be a loss in the fall.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing someone drinking tea and playing chess:Giving birth to a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man.

A pregnant woman dreaming of drinking tea with a dead person predicts the birth of a daughter with thinning hair. Prevent miscarriage.

People who go to school dreamed of drinking tea:Implying unsatisfactory results, difficult to be admitted.

Those who are traveling dreamed of drinking tea in a teahouse:Suggesting big changes and postponement before traveling.

People in love dreaming of taking snow cubes and feeding them to animals to quench their thirst:Suggesting that if they can trust each other, they will eventually become lovers, otherwise they will be separated.

Those who dreamed of drinking tea suggest postponing the trip for three or four days.

A pregnant woman dreaming of drinking tea with her relatives predicts the birth of a male child:Delaying the birth of the baby.

Those who are traveling dreamed of going to drink tea:Suggest changing the itinerary, postponing the departure is better.

Traveling people dreaming of chatting and drinking tea with the elderly:Smooth out of the out.

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