What does it mean to dream about an office in a new unit

A traveler dreaming of being in the office of a new unit is advised to delay traveling when rain hinders the journey.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being in a new office predicts the birth of a girl:And a boy in September or October.

People in love dreamed of seeing an office in a new unit:Suggesting that both sides are too strong and can't give in to each other, so they have to split up.

People dreaming of doing business in a new unit's office:On behalf of the mouth is right and wrong, big change is also a big failure, the old is better.

People dreaming of a new unit of office in the current year:Means that your help will turn bad luck into good luck, there are joyful celebrations of food and wealth, pay attention to diet.

People in love dreamed of seeing colleagues in the original office:Suggesting that after many trials and tribulations

People in love dreaming of running water in the office of a unit:Indicating that after many tests, one may hope to get married.

Pregnant person dreamed of unit office everyone change seat:Foretells birth male, do not carry heavy things, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Traveling person dreamed of unit office running water:Suggests going out peacefully.

Pregnant person dreamed that I went to a new office:Predicting the birth of a girl. January and February to give birth to a male.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a colleague in the same office:Representing a lot of wealth and profit in real estate.

Pregnant people dreaming of chatting with a unit leader in the office:Predicting the birth of a daughter, do not move the earth.

People in love dreamed of changing seats in the office:Suggesting that marriage may be expected. Be frank and sincere.

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing her former office colleagues predicts the birth of a boy. Spring and summer account for the birth of a woman:Preventing the fetus from being moved.

A businessman dreaming of a new office desk in a new organization represents a loss and then a gain.

Pregnant people dreaming of a large office:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring and moon accounted for the birth of a man, peace.

Traveling person dreamed of unit office everyone change seat:Suggest encounter rain delay a few days before traveling.

Traveling person dreamed that I went to a new office:Suggests stopping in case of rain, delaying rain before departure.

People who are traveling dreamed of changing to a very small office:Suggest stopping in case of rain, and traveling on a sunny day.

People in love dreaming of a new door opening in the original office suggests disagreement and shaken confidence.

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