What does workplace mean

A school going person dreaming of a rival in the workplace means falling in the ranks. Poor grades.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a rival in the workplace predicts the birth of a daughter. A male child is expected in the fall.

People dreaming of workplace rivals transferring away:Poor performance in liberal arts, affecting admission.

People in love dreaming of workplace rivals:Indicates disagreement, confidence shaken.

Pregnant people dreaming of workplace:Foretells the birth of a girl peacefully, September and October to give birth to a boy.

People who go to school dreaming of a bad job market:Means there are ups and downs, be patient and finally get what you want.

Dreaming of a relative about to give birth to a child:This two days you in the development of the cause or the effectiveness of the workplace, is really remarkable, very bright, and even in the workplace to find cooperation between partners, help your career growth, and more so that your level to another stage. This two-day career luck Wang Wang to, no matter do any decision can be for their own and the workplace to bring extra points, can be said to be on the other side can not catch up with the good luck it!

People in business dreaming of a bad day at the workplace represent the strengthening of internal operations and success after experiencing difficulties.

People in love dreaming of workplace rivals transferred away:Don't get carried away, strong personality is difficult to round their things.

Those who are traveling dreamed of reviewing the cadres to bring them to their big workplace:Don't go out, choose another time and day to depart again.

Dreaming of a broken mat:From the point of view, indicates that you are not as good as you expected in the workplace, and will even lose your job.

A pregnant person dreaming of a reviewing cadre taking him to his big workplace:Occupying the fall to give birth to a male, and the other seasons to give birth to a female.

Dreaming that you take part in a poetry recitation contest:Foretells a setback in the workplace, or a difficult job search process.

Doing business dreamed of workplace rivals died:On behalf of peers to pick right and wrong, honestly treat people can be no disaster.

Pregnant people dreaming of workplace rivals transferred away:Give birth to a male. July and August to give birth to a girl, prevent miscarriage.

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