Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming of a Female Ghost Seeking Me for My Life

A pregnant woman dreaming of a female ghost looking for me and asking for her life:Foretells the birth of a daughter with paroxysmal pains and more maintenance.

Dreaming of a female ghost asking for my life means that you are not doing well in science and cannot reach your ideal.

People in business dreaming of a female ghost seeking my life:Represents suffering from destructive blows, resulting in unfavorable operation and losses.

People in love dreaming of a female ghost looking for me to ask for life:Suggests that the match made in heaven, destiny couple, withstand the test, marriage can be accomplished.

People in the year of life dreaming of a female ghost looking for me to ask for my life:Means peace and happiness in peace and harmony, otherwise the mouth is a lawsuit.

People dreaming of a ghost seeking my life means more alms:More merit, good fortune and wealth.

Doing business dreamed of escaping from female ghosts on the body to ask for life:On behalf of wealth and profit, slow progress, do not have to worry about.

Traveler dreamed of female ghost looking for me:Suggest to choose another date to depart.

Dreaming of a female ghost looking for me to claim her life:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky color is green, lucky number is 6, peach blossom bit in the southeast direction, wealth in the south direction, lucky food is cashew nuts.

Pregnant people dreaming of escaping from a female ghost demanding my life:Predicting the birth of a male, the mother more maintenance.

Traveling people dreamed of female ghosts demanding life:Suggests fire and water side should be careful, postponed out.

Pregnant people dreaming of dead people seeking my life:Predicting the birth of a daughter, three years after conception.

Pregnant people dreaming of a female ghost demanding her life scared the sick:Predicting the birth of a male, June and July accounted for the birth of a female, be careful not to move the fetus abortion.

Doing business dreamed that a female ghost rode on my back and demanded my life:Representing that it is not very smooth, and should always be adaptable. Rectify and revise.

Travelers dreaming of grandmother with a female ghost looking for me:Suggest that there are many obstacles. Postpone traveling.

A person who goes to school dreaming of a female ghost asking for her life scares a sick person:Implying that there are a lot of difficulties, but three times is a winning admission.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a female ghost demanding her life predicts the birth of a male child:And the birth of a female child in July or August.

People in love dreamed of a female ghost asking for money:Suggesting disagreement and shaken confidence.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a female ghost demanding her life and scaring a sick person predicts the birth of a daughter:Be careful to prevent fetal demise.

Those who dreamed of seeing a female ghost demanding her life and scaring a sick person:Suggesting postponing the trip in case of rain and sand.

Dreaming of a person in his current year of life seeing someone looking for me to demand his life:Means smooth and satisfactory, be careful of official charms and lawsuits.

People in love dreamed of a female ghost riding on my back like me asking for life:Suggests that one can hope to get married.

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