What is the omen that there are frogs in the rice at the end of the meal?

If you are traveling and dream that there are frogs in the last meal:You are advised to have a smooth and safe journey, but be careful when encountering lakes and streams.

If a businessman dreams of seeing frogs in the last meal:It means that things will go smoothly and you will naturally gain wealth and profit. Be cautious of changes.

A pregnant woman dreaming of frogs in her rice at the end of her meal predicts the birth of a male child. A girl will be born in April or May. Pay attention to your diet in summer.

People in love dreaming of frogs in the rice at the end of the meal:Suggesting that the heart is in agreement, mutual respect and mutual trust, marriage can be accomplished.

This year's people dreamed of eating to the end of the meal there are frogs in the rice:Means that far away from going out less to go, northeastern careful driving pay attention to points full.

Traveling people dreamed of eating rice with nails in it:Suggests that the weather is hot less go out, travel in winter.

Traveler dreamed of eating rice with nails sand and other debris:Suggest such as traveling, be careful when the wind.

Doing business dreamed of queuing up for dinner and being forgotten at the end of the line:On behalf of initially investing first and then recovering profits later.

School dreamed of frogs in the rice:Means science results slightly out of order, affecting the admission results.

People dreaming of having a meal in a prison at the end of the day means that one can gain wealth and profit:But be careful of injuries to the hands and feet, and go on fewer excursions to climb the mountains.

This life year people dreamed of eating rice with hair:Don't be anxious and don't be impatient, can remove a lot of troubles by being broad-minded in handling things.

Traveling people dreaming of frogs in the rice:Suggest smooth round trip.

Pregnant people dreamed of eating in prison until the end:Predicting the birth of a man. In summer, a girl will be born, but less in the south.

People dreaming of eating in a prison at the end of the day mean that if you don't change your mind and concentrate on your studies:You will be admitted to the university.

Doing business dreamed of eating at the end of the meal with a few worms inside:Representing a smooth win of wealth, caution against lawsuits, fire damage.

Doing business dreamed of eating in prison at the end of the meal:On behalf of successful wealth, stationery, publishing, printing, timber industry is favorable.

Doing business dreamed of eating rice with nails in it:Represents loss of wealth, not to invest, wait for the right time to operate again.

Pregnant people dreaming of eating rice with nails in it:Predicting the birth of a boy, smooth, fireplace careful.

Doing business dreamed my comrade let me eat meal rice with dirt:On behalf of real estate in a lot of wealth and profit.

People in love dreaming of comrades letting me eat rice with dirt in it:Suggests that can't communicate feelings with gas, marriage is exempt from discussion.

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