What does it mean when you get stung by a hornet?

A pregnant woman dreaming of being stung by a hornet foretells the birth of a daughter and guards against miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of being stung by a hornet suggests going out well as expected.

A traveler dreaming of being stung twice by a wasp is advised to go out as scheduled:Travel with a companion, and be careful when encountering water.

Travelers dreaming of a favorite person and being stung by a hornet:Suggest postponing the trip for a day or two.

A traveler dreaming of being stung by a large hornet on his head is advised to postpone his departure.

People doing business dreamed that I was stung by a hornet:Representing first gain and then loss, do not be greedy for more and more, can get smooth.

Travelers dreaming of being stung by a scorpion and hornet:Suggest going out smoothly.

Pregnant people dreaming of being stung by a hornet:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, do not move the earth, logging.

Those who are traveling dreamed that they were stung by a hornet's hand:Suggest leaving the group attempts, delays slow home.

People in love dreaming of being stung by a hornet:Suggesting that marriage is imminent, grasping good fortune.

People who are traveling dreamed of being stung by a hornet:Suggest a windy and rainy day, travel later.

People in love dreamed of being stung by a hornet:Suggesting that they can discover each other's shortcomings, if they can tolerate each other's marriage can be accomplished.

People who go to school dreamed of being stung by a hornet:Means more careful in arts test, nervous and impatient will fail.

People dreaming of being stung by a swarm of hornets mean that they should be careful not to be framed by small people and lose money or be physically insecure.

Those who dreamed of being stung by a hornet in their travels:Stopping when the wind blows, and delaying their departure.

People dreaming of being stung by a hornet in their toes:Their grades are not good in liberal arts.

Doing business dreamed of being stung by a swarm of hornets:Representing a lot of wealth in real estate.

Doing business dreamed of being stung twice by a hornet:Representing a good person to help, slowly change in the predicament is better.

Doing business dreamed of being stung by a hornet twice:Represents a smooth business with money and great development.

Doing business dreamed of being stung by a hornet:Represents wealth and fortune.

Those who dreamed of poking a hornet's nest and being stung by a hornet on a trip are advised to let nature take its course and proceed according to the original plan.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being stung by a hornet predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the spring. Beware of strange tumors.

Travelers dreaming of being stung by a hornet on my neck are advised to stop when it rains and postpone the trip.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being stung by a swarm of hornets predicts the birth of a boy. Pay attention to diet and hygiene.

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