Dreaming of a house full of birds

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of birds predicts the birth of a male child.

For a businessman to dream of a room full of birds:It means the business will not run smoothly and will come to a standstill due to many difficulties.

People in love dreaming of a house full of birds:Indicating that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

People dreaming of a house full of birds in their natal year implies going with the flow of nature:God's help and people's help, smooth as desired.

If you dream of a house full of snakes:You are advised to go out as scheduled and come back later.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of golden flies predicts the birth of a daughter.

A traveler dreaming of a house full of centipedes is advised to choose another date for departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of rats predicts the birth of a daughter; be careful at the water's edge to prevent a miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of mice predicted the birth of a daughter.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of insects predicts the birth of a daughter; a man in winter.

A traveler dreaming of a house full of snakes is advised to postpone going out in case of rain or wind.

A traveler dreaming of a house full of chickens is advised to postpone the trip to a later date.

A person in love dreaming of a house full of mud suggests that a marriage may be expected.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of poop would give birth to a daughter.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of fish predicts the birth of a daughter.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a room full of fish predicts the birth of a daughter.

A traveler dreaming of a room full of muddy and stinky water is advised to go out safely.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a house full of leaking water foretells the birth of a daughter; a man in winter.

Traveling people dreaming of a house full of white worms:Suggest unfavorable to go out, less go out for good.

Pregnant people dreamed of planting a house full of flowers:Giving birth to a daughter, avoid moving the earth, prevent miscarriage.

Those who are traveling dreamed of a house full of roots like root carvings:Suggesting smooth and feasible.

School dreamed of a house full of water:The first test is unfavorable, and then try again as expected successfully admitted.

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