Dreaming of a child's tooth falling out

A traveler dreaming of a child's teeth falling out is advised to be careful of water and fire.

A traveler dreaming of a child losing three teeth is advised to travel as desired and bring rain gear.

Pregnant people dreaming of a child's teeth falling out:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female. Be cautious against miscarriage.

People who dreamt of a child's teeth falling out while traveling are advised to proceed according to the original plan and be safe.

A businessman dreaming of a child's teeth falling out represents poor management at the beginning:But later on there will be wealth and profit.

Traveling people dreaming of seeing their child's upper teeth fall out five:Suggests encountering thunderstorms, postpones the departure.

A pregnant person dreaming of my child's teeth falling out predicts the birth of a male child. March and April accounted for the birth of a female:Prevent miscarriage.

A businessman dreaming of his child's tooth falling out represents that he will be able to make a profit in accounting or with the assistance of his mistress.

People who go to school dreaming of my child's tooth falling out:Means that the oral examination or science results are less satisfactory, affecting the admission.

A pregnant woman dreaming of my child's teeth falling out:Foretells the birth of a boy. June and July to give birth to a girl, safe and smooth.

People in business dreaming of a child's teeth falling out:Representing overworked and unable to gain profit, it is advisable to guard and not to enter.

People in love dreaming of a child's teeth falling out:Suggesting that the timing of the proposal will be fruitful, marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming of a child's teeth falling out:Suggests willingness and honesty to get along with marriage can be accomplished.

People in business dreamed of seeing a child's upper teeth falling out:Representing wealth in spring. Summer is unfavorable, should be improved.

People in love dreaming of seeing their child's upper teeth fall out:Suggests that marriage is near, grasp the good fortune.

People in love dreaming of a child's tooth falling out:Suggests mutual respect for each other, modesty and courtesy, marriage is promising.

People in love dreaming of a child's tooth falling out:Suggests that only women can do well at home, family success.

People who are traveling dreamed that their child's upper teeth fell out two:Suggests going out smoothly and coming back in peace.

Doing business dreamed of seeing his child's upper teeth fall out:Represents unfavorable operation, strengthen seminar to improve and then reorganize operation.

Traveling people dreaming of seeing their child lose a tooth:Suggests that although there is wind there is no obstacle, can go out.

Pregnant people dreaming of a child's tooth falling out:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to guard against moving the fetus to miscarry.

Pregnant person dreamed of child lost three teeth:Foretells birth male, spring occupies birth female, mother and child unfavorable, more maintenance.

Doing business dreamed of child's teeth falling out:Represents intermediary obtains wealth, grasps good opportunity.

Doing business dreamed of a child's teeth falling out:Representing getting wealth and profit, triple the profit market.

Doing business dreamed that his child lost a tooth:Represents that it is better to guard than to enter, not to make big investment.

A businessman dreaming that his child's upper teeth fell out represents uncertainty:It is better to guard. It is advisable to hold on to it.

Traveling people dreamed that their child lost a tooth:Suggests delaying departure for a few days in case of rain.

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