What's a dream about a work transcript?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a work record sheet predicts the birth of a daughter:Avoid moving the earth to move fetal qi and miscarriage.

People in business dreaming of a work record sheet:Representing the last one or two years are more unfavorable, later smooth money-making.

People in love dreaming of work record sheet:Indicates that there are small people to destroy or no meaning to do husband and wife, to friends only.

People dreaming of work record sheet in the current year of life:Means that the situation is stable, there are blessings and fortunes, into the wealth and profit auspicious and happy.

Dreaming of work record sheet:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky color is purple, lucky number is 2, peach blossom bit in the west direction, wealth in the northwest direction, lucky food is chicken soup.

Those who are traveling dreaming of work argumentation:Suggest that when it rains, the departure will be postponed.

People who are traveling dreaming of changes in work:Suggest traveling as desired and bringing rain gear.

A traveler dreaming of a workplace on fire is advised to postpone departure.

People dreaming of the year of life dreamed of how to check ICBC transaction records:Means joyful all things go well as expected.

People who go to school dreaming of work colleagues:Achievement arts is poor, can not be admitted.

Pregnant people dreaming of work big mistake:Predicts the birth of a male, be careful to prevent fetal death in the womb.

Traveling person dreamed of working well busy:Suggests going out smoothly, as scheduled.

Traveling people dreaming of being tired at work:Suggests that you can go out as scheduled.

Pregnant people dreaming of work clothes being burned by fire:Giving birth to a daughter, not doing rough and heavy work.

A traveler dreaming of work staying behind is advised to postpone departure for a few days.

A businessman dreaming of work is not a good idea for marriage.

A traveler dreaming of a job not being what he wants is advised to go out in peace.

A traveler dreaming of being betrayed at work is advised to postpone another departure.

Pregnant person dreaming of work colleague:Giving birth to a daughter, caution against not being exposed to wind and cold.

Traveling person dreamed of work site:Advised to postpone in case of rain is better.

People who go to school dreaming of work transfer out:Poor arts performance, difficult to admit.

Traveling person dreamed of job loss of pet:Suggests going back and forth smoothly.

Traveling people dreaming of work arrangement change:Suggests postponing departure is best.

Pregnant person dreaming of a change in workplace with no change in job:Giving birth to a girl, no boy. Caution against miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of a busy workplace is advised to go out safely as scheduled.

A traveler dreaming of a job not going well changes the date of departure.

A traveler dreaming of work jealousy suggests postponing departure.

A traveler dreaming of a bumpy day at work is advised to postpone and choose another date for departure.

A traveler dreaming of a busy job is advised to travel as desired and bring rain gear.

A traveler dreaming of a job gone wrong is advised to go back and forth smoothly.

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