What does it mean when you dream that your dad is making an urn for your long de

A pregnant woman dreaming of her father making an urn for her long dead grandmother predicts the birth of a daughter.

People in business dreaming of their father making an urn for their long dead grandmother:Representing more losses, not too confident, big losses.

People in love dreaming of dad making an urn for his long dead grandmother:Suggesting postponement of marriage, talk about it later.

People dreaming of seeing their father making an urn for their long dead grandmother:Means laboriousness, unable to go as smoothly as one wishes between movements.

People who dreamed of seeing their father making an urn for their dead grandmother implies that they failed to get good grades in science subjects.

Travelers dreaming of crematorium urns for dead dad:Suggests that the sky is not as one wishes, postponing the trip.

Traveling people dreaming of uncle dead grandma holding urn crazy:Suggest there is a change of location or change of date.

Pregnant people dreaming of father and son open grandmother's urn:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man

People in love dreaming of grandma asking for an urn suggests mutual consent. Be careful not to fall out if you insist on what you already know.

A pregnant woman dreaming of holding an urn and seeing a lot of urns predicts the birth of a daughter; if a man is born in spring:Pay attention to safety during labor.

People in love dream of holding their living grandmother's urn:Indicating that if they can get along with each other, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of holding their living grandmother's urn means that it is best to be conservative and not to have the idea of entrepreneurial investment.

Pregnant people dreaming of others sending urns:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, pregnant women less driving for good.

Travelers dreaming of husband knocking over urn:Suggest not to go out for good.

A businessman dreaming of a living grandmother's urn:Represents a favorable initial period, but a loss later on. Yin people are unfavorable.

Those who dreamed of losing their father-in-law's urn:Unfavorable to go out, less go out for good.

Travelers dreaming of uncle's dead urn:Suggests changing the date of travel in case of wind and rain.

Doing business dreamed dad made urn for dead grandmother:Represents loss not gain profit. Be cautious of water and fire disasters. Worship God blessing.

Travelers dreaming of holding an urn and crying:Suggest unfavorable to go out, less go out for good.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her father making an urn for her dead grandmother predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in summer. Southern less go.

People in love dreaming of dad making urn for dead grandmother:Suggests communicating with each other to sightseeing area traveling to cultivate feelings, wait for a period of time.

Pregnant people dreaming of dad making an urn for his deceased grandmother:Predicting the birth of a male, autumn and August accounted for the birth of a female.

Pregnant people dreaming of uncle dead urn:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, avoid moving the earth, moving the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her grandmother's urn predicts the birth of a daughter.

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