What does dreaming of a long flood at home mean?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a long flood in a river is predicting the birth of a male child:But be careful not to have a difficult labor.

Pregnant women dreaming of a long flood at home:According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis, wealth is in the northwest direction, peach blossom bit is in the west direction, lucky number is 3, lucky color is orange, lucky food is peas.

Those who are traveling dreamed of the elders in the family getting sick:Suggest coming and going safely.

People in love dreaming of a river growing flood:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished if treated with honesty and sincerity.

People who are traveling dreamed of a river flood:Suggests several times of obstruction can not make the trip, winter can go out.

People who go to school dreaming of elders in the family:Means not being able to pass the examination, try harder in the future.

People who go to school dreaming of grass growing at home:Need to make more efforts, want to be admitted to hinder a lot.

Pregnant people dreaming of worms growing in their home:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, avoid moving the earth room miscarriage.

Those who are traveling dreamed of worshipping the graves of elders at home:Suggesting to choose another date before departure.

A businessman dreaming of a river flooding represents that he will be able to make a profit if he is assisted in accounting or by the mistress of the house.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a tree growing at home predicts the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.

Pregnant people dreaming of a broken bone of an elder in their home:Predicting the birth of a boy; be careful with food and drink and avoid moving earth.

Traveling people dreaming of growing radish at home:Suggests delaying going out for three days smoothly.

Pregnant person dreamed of family elders sick:Foretells winter occupying the birth of a male, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Those who are traveling dreamed that the elders in the family washed their feet:Postponed going out for a day or two.

Dreaming of new trees growing in the forest is a good omen for a new son in the family.

Doing business dreamed that home flood I flew over the flood:Represents a wealth and profit can be gained, suitable for gold, wood industry, to the north is also unfavorable.

Travelers dreaming of two trees growing at home:Suggest a smooth trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of home long big and red peaches:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of plants growing at home:Predicting the birth of a boy, postponing the birth of a baby.

Those who traveled dreamed that elders at home were naked:Suggesting that they can go out between fall and winter.

A traveler dreaming of a flood at home is advised to delay departure if there is wind.

Pregnant people dreaming of home flooding I flew through the flood:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid cutting wood and moving earth, miscarriage.

Traveling people dreamed of their home long insects:Suggest postponing the trip, something pestering.

Dreaming of being chased with a knife:Should care more about the health of elders at home.

Travelers dreaming of maggots growing at home:Suggest going out without harm, slightly windy, add some clothes.

Traveling people dreamed of growing plants at home:Suggests windy less go out, delay travel again.

Those who dreamed of growing a lot of green vegetables at home implied that they could expect to be admitted to a science course.

People dreaming of a flood in a river means that although there is a small setback:It is not a big problem, and it will go well with the help of others.

Pregnant people dreaming of growing vines at home:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid moving earth.

Doing business dreamed of growing water in the house:The initial favorable, and then there is a loss. Yin people unfavorable.

Travelers dreaming of long grass at home:Suggesting caution in case of water, change the date.

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