What does dreaming about repeating a grade again symbolize

A pregnant woman dreaming of repeating a grade predicts the birth of a male child and a female child in August.

If you are traveling and dream of repeating a grade:You are advised to postpone your trip for a day or two.

People dreaming of repeating a grade means poor performance in liberal arts:Unable to reach the admission score.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of repeating a grade:Representing obstacles in the first place, fire and candles to be careful, gradually and smoothly obtaining wealth.

Travelers dreaming of repeating a grade in their senior year of high school:Suggests that the weather is hot and less go out, traveling in winter.

Pregnant people dreaming of repeating a grade:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful with fire and water, be careful not to move the fetus.

Pregnant people dreaming of studying and repeating a grade:Predicting the birth of a boy, avoid moving earth and moving the fetus.

People in business dreamed of repeating a grade in their third year of high school:Representing poor management and great losses, should temporarily retreat.

People dreaming of their daughters repeating a grade:Poor performance in liberal arts, can not be admitted.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing her friend repeating a grade:Predicting the birth of a girl, spring occupying the birth of a boy, emotions should be stable.

Pregnant person dreamed of repeating a grade:Predicting birth of a girl, winter occupying birth of a boy, avoid moving earth, moving the fetus.

Pregnant people dreaming of their children repeating a grade:Foretelling the birth of a boy. In summer, a girl will be born; go less to the south.

Dreaming of repeating a grade in one's current year implies that one should be patient:And that one should be able to gain wealth and profit, and be promoted to the next level.

According to Zhouyi five elements analysis:The lucky color is white, lucky number is 0, peach blossom position is in the east direction, wealth position is in the south direction, lucky food is cabbage.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a graduate student repeating a grade:She is predicting the birth of a daughter, or a sister coming before or after her.

Those who are traveling dreamed of others repeating their grades:It is suggested to slightly delay the departure for one or two days.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of repeating a grade in a graduate school:On behalf of not being able to succeed and having losses, changing industry and starting another business.

Pregnant people dreaming of repeating a grade:Giving birth to a daughter, or having sisters before and after.

Traveler dreaming of repeating a grade:Such as traveling, be careful in case of wind.

Traveling people dreaming of repeating a grade:Suggests not going out, postpones going out for good.

People who go to school dreaming of children repeating a grade:Means specializing in one subject is favorable.

People dreaming of repeating a grade in their third year of high school implies that they will be blessed by misfortune:Have ups and downs in their movements, and are in an uncertain mood, so they should be more careful.

Those who dreamed of seeing a child repeating a grade on a trip suggest going out with many twists and turns and delaying going out.

Pregnant people dreaming of a child repeating a grade:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and the birth of a boy in the fall.

Those who are traveling dreamed of unfamiliar people repeating a grade:Suggests choosing another date for departure.

Pregnant people dreaming of repeating a grade and being upset:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, avoiding earth moving and preventing miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of repeating a grade foretells the birth of a boy:And the mother should take more care of herself.

Doing business dreamed of repeating a grade:Smoothly obtaining wealth, cautious against lawsuit, should not expand.

Doing business dreamed of daughter repeating a grade:Internal personnel discord, operation is not smooth, loss of capital and loss of profit.

Traveling people dreamed of daughter repeating a grade:Stopping in case of rain, postponing rain before departure.

Pregnant people dreaming of repeating a grade in their third year of high school predicted the birth of a daughter:But in winter, it would mean the birth of a male, or infertility or a small number of children.

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