What does it symbolize to dream of a rain leak in the same office as a leader

A dream that a person who goes to school sees rain leaking from the same office as his leader means that he will not be able to pass the exam and will try harder in the future.

If you are pregnant and dream of having a rainstorm in the same office as your leader:You are predicting the birth of a male child, but if you have a female child in the spring, you should be careful not to have a miscarriage.

Traveling people dreamed of and leader of the same office leakage rain:Suggests that there are friends and relatives to go with the auspicious, be careful with the fire safety.

Doing business dreamed and the leader of the same office leakage rain:On behalf of profit loss, to the north to reorganize and then operate.

People in love dreaming of the same office leakage with the leader:Suggests that although the current object has two, can only choose one in the end.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a rain leak in her office and me running away predicts the birth of a daughter. Beware of the baby's gas.

Pregnant people dreaming of office rain leakage:Predicting the birth of a male, fall occupying the birth of a female, be careful to move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a dirty floor in her leader's office predicts the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.

People dreaming of a rain leak in the same office as the leader in the current year of life mean that they will not be able to fulfill their wishes:But they should have perseverance and confidence as well as gratitude, and their luck will turn for the better.

Doing business dreamed of firewood piled up in an office:Representing wealth and profit, and obtaining wealth.

People traveling dreaming of having the same office as the leader:Suggests bad mood, less go out for good.

Traveling people dreaming of leader moving office:Suggest postponing the departure again.

Dreaming of having the same office as the leader with rain leakage:This two days have travel luck, suitable for going out and shopping. The opposite sex is friendly to you and makes you feel good. Consult the relevant units to discuss your financial planning. Work/school exposure to new areas of work/school content.

Doing business dreamed of office ceiling leaking rain:Represents more losses, obstacles also, suitable for guarding or reorganizing the internal.

Doing business dreamed of office rain leakage for repair registration:On behalf of unstable operation, insufficient publicity, be careful to guard against small person trap.

Doing business dreamed of working in the same office with boss:Represents obstruction in the first, fire candle careful, gradually smooth get wealth.

Traveling people dreamed of leadership office ground is dirty:Suggests the best delay before going out.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing firewood piled up in an office:Suggesting to change the itinerary, postponing the departure is better.

Traveler dreamed of office ceiling leaking rain:Advised to stop in case of wind and rain, postponed to go out again.

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