What does it mean to dream of having an affair with a married male coworker?

If a pregnant woman dreams of having an affair with a married male coworker:She is predicting that she will get a man in the spring and fall, and a woman in the summer.

If a person in love dreams of having an affair with a married male coworker:It means that as long as you have strong faith, your marriage will be a success.

Doing business dreamed of having an affair with a married male colleague:Representing that summer occupies wealth and fame, as desired and smooth. Spring is unfavorable.

People dreaming of married male coworkers ambiguous:Means that modesty get wealth and profit, real estate body more care, do not overeat.

Pregnant people dream of kissing married male coworkers:Give birth to a man, spring and summer accounted for the birth of a woman.

Pregnant people dream of married male coworkers cheating:Predicting the birth of a man, spring accounted for the birth of a woman. Beware of strange tumors.

Travelers dreaming of being ambiguous by male colleagues:Suggests too hot less to, postpone departure for a few days.

Doing business dreamed of having an affair with a male colleague:Representing that although there is wealth and profit, the interior cannot be stabilized, and the mood is not good.

Doing business dreamed of married male colleague cheating:On behalf of too much labor can not profit, appropriate to keep should not enter.

Pregnant people dream of married women being pursued by male colleagues:Predicting the birth of a man. Spring occupies the birth of a woman. Smooth and safe.

Pregnant people dreaming of having an affair with a married colleague:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful in the first trimester of pregnancy.

People dreaming of kissing a married male coworker in the current year of life:There is wealth and profit to be gained, but money in and out of caution, be careful to prevent theft.

Pregnant people dreamed of having an affair with a male colleague:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth, prevent miscarriage.

Traveling people dreamed of kissing a married male colleague:When the wind is stopped, delayed departure.

Doing business dreamed of having an affair with a male coworker:On behalf of the social situation caused by the poor weather, the operation is not smooth.

Doing business dreamed of being ambiguous with male coworker:Represents first loss and then improvement and gain.

People who go to school dreaming of having an affair with a male coworker means that admission will be smooth as one wishes.

Traveling people dream see oneself and male colleague ambiguous:Suggest as traveling, encounter wind be careful.

People who go to school dreaming of having a dalliance with a male colleague means that things will go well as expected:And grades will reach the admission standard.

People dreaming of having a dalliance with a male colleague in the current year of life means that all things are unfavorable:Official symbols, prison, being implicated, to be cautious to prevent trouble.

People in love dreaming of married male colleagues like themselves:Indicating that verbal disputes can be resolved, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of seeing a male colleague having an affair with a male colleague means that one's grades are satisfactory and one is on the verge of acceptance:So one should make more efforts.

Pregnant people dreaming of having an affair with a male colleague:Predicting the birth of a daughter, pay more attention to diet.

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