What does it mean to button my boyfriend's ears

If you are traveling and dream of giving my boyfriend an ear deduction:You are advised to proceed according to the original plan and have a safe and smooth journey.

If you are pregnant:Dreaming of giving my boyfriend an ear deduction, you are predicting the birth of a male child; if you are pregnant, you are predicting the birth of a female child. It is advisable to give more nutrition.

People in love dreamed of giving my boyfriend buckle ear:Suggests willingness, have integrity get along with marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of giving my boyfriend an ear clasp:On behalf of all smooth can get wealth. Summer caution against fire or lawsuit.

People dreaming of giving my boyfriend button ear:Means that all matters should not be guarded into, to be loyal and honest for the fundamental.

Dreaming of others buckle my ear:Rare good mood, generous hospitality. If you don't want to go on a date, think of it as a vacation for your lover! If you want to give yourself a treat, it's worth it to spend money on enjoyment. I don't want to be too busy, I just want to spend the day comfortably.

The person who dreamed of seeing his boyfriend interlocking his fingers:Means to be careful to prevent revenge or small people. Climbing the mountain excursion less to go.

Doing business dreamed that others give me buckle ear:Represents operating smoothly, sudden change should calmly cope with, otherwise the greater the loss.

People in love dreamed of boyfriend to me ear:Suggests that should open the deadlock, each introspection, have a good result.

Pregnant people dreaming of pulling out ear wax for boyfriend:Predicting the birth of a boy, mother and child are weak, beware of miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing a father giving his daughter an ear clasp:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful of miscarriage, don't watch the killing of animals.

Pregnant people dreamed of interlocking fingers and boyfriend:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, avoid moving the earth, moving the fetus.

Doing business dreamed of interlocking fingers with boyfriend:Represents careful financial management can be rewarded. Autumn to favorable.

Pregnant people dreamed of interlocking fingers with her boyfriend:Predicting the birth of a male, April accounted for the birth of a female.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing boyfriend's ear falling off:Suggests rectifying departure smoothly.

People in love dream of boyfriend ear long sesame:Mutual understanding, can be married.

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