Dreams: Children's Brains

A traveler dreaming of a child with a big brain will have a smooth trip.

If you dream of a child with a big brain:Your grades will be poor and you will not be admitted.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a child with a big brain would expect to give birth to a girl:While a man would be born in the fall.

People in love dreamt of a child with a big brain:Discovering each other's shortcomings, if they can tolerate each other's marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of a child with a big brain in the current year of life:Mixed fortunes and misfortunes, favorable wealth. If you are too strong, you will lose.

Pregnant people dreaming of a burst blood vessel in the brain:Foretelling the birth of a boy, smooth, fireplace careful.

People who go to school dreaming of their brain nerves twitching:Many obstacles, hard work, finally admitted.

People in love dreamed of brain:Suggests temperament intolerance, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of being forced to eat a child's brain:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying a female delayed a few days after delivery.

People dreaming of businessmen dreaming of a brain opening up a skull:Representing that the beginning of the year is not smooth, and after the fall and winter smoothly obtaining wealth.

Traveling people dreamed of flying insects hurt brain bite dead walnut:Encounter wind be careful, smooth.

People who go to school dreaming of someone else's brain:Means that the results are not satisfactory, on the edge of admission.

People doing business dreaming of a child's big brain:Reorganize the interior, start business again after a while.

Those who are traveling dreaming of a brain opening up:Suggest postponing the trip for two months before going out is good.

Dreaming of a child with a big brain:Easy for impulsive and mistaken! Your temper is a little hard to contain today, especially because of official business! It's hard for you to grasp what direction things are going in! To those who already have a dissatisfied guy, you may also say some irretrievable angry words Oh! However, afterward, the first to regret, and often is your own!

A pregnant woman dreaming of stabbing a knife into her father's brain predicts the birth of a daughter:And the birth of a man in the fall.

Dreaming of being forced to eat a child's brain:According to the Zhouyi Five Elements analysis, the lucky number is 9, peach blossom position is in the direction of the south, the wealth position is in the direction of the north, the lucky color is blue, the lucky food is almonds.

If you are pregnant and dream of flying insects hurting your brain:You are going to give birth to a girl. Be careful with water and fire, and guard against moving the fetus.

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