I dreamt about the exam

People who go to school dreaming of being lost means that there are other hindrances during the exam period that affect the exam results.

People who go to school dreaming of Amitabha Buddha means that there are other hindrances during the exam period that affect the exam results.

A dream of a man dreaming of the characters Heng and Heng means that there are other obstacles during the examination period which will affect the examination results.

A student dreaming of a group of sharks means that there are other obstacles during the examination period which will affect the examination results.

People dreaming of a boy born to a sister means that there are other obstacles during the exam period that will affect the exam results.

A dream of a school going person seeing a person who does not love me means that there is an obstacle in Wenchang and a sudden change of mind in not participating in the examination.

People who go to school dreaming of digging up ginseng and then disappearing:Means that spring is unfavorable, examination results are not satisfactory, summer and autumn examinations will be victorious.

People who go to school dreaming of big green jujubes:Means that the results are not satisfactory, wait for the next examination.

People who go to school dreamed that I met a flood:Means that there are a lot of obstacles, the examination results are not satisfactory.

Those who traveled dreamed of not being able to finish the examination paper:Suggesting that failing to connect well, there are some changes, can not go smoothly.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing a swindled corpse:Implying that a sudden accident in the examination resulted in unsatisfactory grades.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing a face:Means unexpected gain, examination results are not satisfactory.

Going to school dreamed of little finger missing:Mood uncertainty, affects examination results, fails to be admitted.

People who go to school dreamed of loved ones big sea ex-boyfriend:Means to the north district examination, successful admission.

People in love dreamed of exam range:Indicates mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is expected.

People who go to school dreamed of taking a hundred copies of the test:Means to the north district examination, successful admission.

People who go to school dreamed of driving a car and pulling a dead person:Means the results are not satisfactory, wait for the next exam.

People dreaming of divorcing their wives implies that they are going to take the exam in the North District and will be admitted successfully.

Doing business dreamed of exam range:Represents have ups and downs obstruction much, should reorganize internal and then open business.

Doing business dreamed of exam didn't pass:On behalf of unstable operation, insufficient publicity, cautious against small person trap.

Doing business dreamed of exam results:On behalf of caution against friend backstabbing, lawsuit, litigation.

People who go to school dreamed of a lot of pythons:Means to the north district examination, successful admission.

Traveling people dreamed of language examination results:Suggests traveling as scheduled, smooth.

People who go to school dreamed of new clothes with money in them:Means spring accounted for unfavorable, unsatisfactory examination results, summer and autumn exams will win.

People in love dreamed of failing the exam:Suggests mutual understanding, sincere treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

People who go to school dreamed of pulling pears:Means unexpected harvest, examination results are not ideal.

School people dreamed of plants turning into fish:Means going to the north district for examination, successful admission.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of not being able to finish a paper for an examination:Representing a good time, a big investment or expansion also goes well.

People who go to school dreamed that the opposite sex saw my underwear:Means the results are not satisfactory, wait for the next exam.

People who go to school dreaming of seeing my boyfriend meeting my parents means many obstacles and unsatisfactory examination results.

People who go to school dreamed of picking apricots:Means that in the examination sudden accident caused the results to be unsatisfactory.

Pregnant people dreamed of exam results:Predicts the birth of a daughter with paroxysmal pain, more maintenance.

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